The Board of Commissioners for the National Accrediting Commission of Career
Arts & Sciences, Inc. (NACCAS), in an ongoing effort to cut costs and to
continue to provide our schools with the highest level of excellence in service,
has been exploring, over the course of the past 12 months, the feasibility of
opening up a Western Office, for one (1) year to determine financial and
practical viability. Through the gathering of data, airline hub and cost
savings statistics, weather considerations, cost of operations and the like, the
Commission has approved the opening of the 160 sq. ft. NACCAS Utah Office Suite
located in Salt Lake City, Utah.
With its March 3, 2014 opening, its primary function will be to conduct
on-site school visits in the mid to western quadrants of the United States. As a
result, this Office will not receive any correspondence from accredited schools.
Thus, all correspondence will continue to be sent to the NACCAS headquarters
office in Alexandria, Virginia.
The NACCAS Board of Commissioners and Staff are excited about the new
expansion of our office and look forward to continuing to be A Leader in
Accreditation Standards for a Better Educational Experience.